Biocentrism Debunked

Biocentrism Debunked | The Theory and its Controversy

Have you heard about biocentrism before? Do you know what exactly it is, the concept behind this, and why it is debunked? Well! Biocentrism is a theory introduced by American scientist ” Robert Lanza” in 2007. The ideology says that humans and other living creatures must be valued equally. However, this concept raised an abundance of debates. Many still believe in this theory, whereas others oppose it strongly. So, let’s find out if it is really debunked or still has some validation in today’s world.

Biocentrism Theory Emergance

According to Lanza, the exact nature of the universe can’t be understood completely by following physics, i.e., inspecting galaxies or watching distant supernovas, but it can be with the help of biology. This insight snapped into his head when he saw a big golden spider web tethered to overhead boughs while walking through the woods. The spider was sitting on a single thread and sensing vibrations from the caught insect in its web. He observed that a spider could only perceive what was happening in its immediate surroundings, and everything beyond its delicate web was beyond its understanding. To the spider, even the human observer seemed distant, much like how distant objects appear when we use telescopes.

However, at this moment, he feels the connection that we humans also exist at the center of a vast web of space and time, and the threads of this cosmic web are governed by laws that we have come to understand through science and mathematics. Amazed by this observation, he introduced the theory of Biocentrism, “where life creates the universe” comes to light. Therefore, the major focus of biocentrism is to recognize and show equal value to the rights &  interests of every living creature within the ecosystem, not just humans. 

The Core of Biocentrism: Seven Principles

  1. The first principle states that what we observe is dependent on the observer, and what we assume as reality is the “process of our consciousness.”
  2. Next, the principle states that our external perceptions ( experiences of the world around us) and internal perceptions (our inner thoughts and feelings) are connected, not separated. Simply means, what we see and feel on the outside can affect what we think and feel on the inside, and vice versa.
  3. This rule suggests that The behavior of particles is indistinguishably linked to the presence of an observer.” The concept is based on quantum physics that even a very tiny particle, like an atom or electron, is influenced by the act of observation or consciousness.
  4. In the fourth principle, it’s highlighted that consciousness is necessary, and without it, the tiniest bits of matter are uncertain and exist in a kind of “probability” state.
  5. The fifth principle points to the structure of the universe that all laws, forces, and constants that exist appear to be fine-tuned for life
  6. Finally, the sixth and seventh principles convey that “space and time are not physical objects but are the tools of our animal understanding. Robert Lanza beautifully explains the statement by saying that we carry space and time around with us “like turtles with shells.”

Biocentrism: The Debunked Controversy

The theory is debunked as it is based on several misunderstandings and unsupported claims.

  1. The entire concept is based on a misinterpretation of scientific principles and unverified options, such as the fifth principle. Existing research-based proofs suggest that the universe exists separately rather than was created by life and consciousness.
  2. It stated that biocentrism’s third core principle is just a misunderstanding of the quantum mechanics “observer effect” because the universe existed long before, around billions of years ago, even when conscious life did not emerge. Cosmic background radiation, for instance, proves that observation does not affect the existence of the universe.

Why does it get debunked?

  1. Anthropocentrism vs. Biocentrism

Have you ever wondered how it’s possible to reward all life forms equally, as it might lead to impractical consequences, for instance, in resource allocation and land use decisions?

  1. Questioning Biocentrism’s Validity

Many researchers and philosophers question the real validation of biocentrism, saying that although intriguing philosophically, the theory lacks concrete evidence to support the claims that acts of consciousness influence the universe.

  1. Complexities in Balancing Human and Species Interests

Human interests clashing with those of other species is the main concern of this theory. It’s challenging to find a reliable solution with whom you can protect one species without harming or endangering another. This all leads to more complications and unanswered questions.

Wrapping Up

Fascination around biocentrism, some say it’s good to care for nature, whereas some are worried about how it is possible in real life. So, for now, biocentrism has been debunked until there is strong evidence backing it up.

I'm a senior writer at USA Business Minds covering business , news and finance . Previously, I covered finance and business at USA Business Magazine, ranging from professional league media deals, sponsorships, labor agreements, and athlete portfolios. Before joining USA Business Minds, I work as Freelancer.